
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

I deeply, DEEPLY HATE YOU (for loving you)

How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?

(no puedo dormir -.-)

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

- So you don't know what love is. You've never felt it, so you claim. And you also know for sure that you will never be in love.   
- Yeah. 
- I'm dumbfounded. 
- I've never been in love, ever, so I'm not sure if I'm capable of it. 
- Well, why do you think that you would be someone who wasn't capable of it?.  You're a very loving person. 
- That's what you think. 

Soy la persona más..
..egocéntrica, orgullosa, tímida, haragana, complicada, soberbia, estúpida, torpe, tonta, irritante, ciclotímica, aburrida, antipática, exigente, insolente,hosca, seca, inexpresiva, fiel, presumida, bruta, solitaria, honrada, (y más) que he conocido.