
martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Your life is your life, don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. Be on the watch. There are ways out. There is light somewhere. It may not be much light but it beats the darkness. Be on the watch. The gods will offer you chances. Know them, take them. You can’t beat death but you can beat death in life, sometimes. And the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. Your life is your life. Know it while you have it. You are marvelous. The gods wait to delight in you.

1 comentario:

  1. estaría bueno que la gente tuviera esta perpectiva de la vida.
    borré el otro blog sí, no lo soportaba. ahora ya mi hice otro porque no puedo estar sin escribir.
